Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mind tricks

Sometimes you just happen to know a piece of seemingly arbitrary information, even though you might know not much else in the same field which is useful at all.  When that happens to me, as it did today, there's usually a strange reason that I remembered the fact.

There is a certain sci-fi movie which was popular back in the 70's called Star Wars.  In it there is a scene on the Death Star where Senator Leia Organa is being interrogated by Grand Moff Tarkin to reveal the location of the hidden rebel base.  He threatens to use the Death Star to destroy her home planet of Alderaan unless she complies.  She (falsely) reveals that the base is on the planet Dantooine, at which point Tarkin proceeds to order the destruction of Alderaan anyway in order to make an effective demonstration of the power of the Death Star.

Why is this relevant?  Because today I was able to pipe up in a tute and remind the presenting doctor, who was having a mind blank, that anaesthetic induced malignant hyperthermia should be treated with dantrolene.  Can you see where I'm going with this?  Dantooine = dantrolene.  Destruction of a planet using giant lasers = malignant hyperthermia.  I can still remember standing in the operating theatre when I first heard about dantrolene and that's exactly what I thought of.

Oh yes, my friends, that's how you scale the dizzy heights of success.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, is it distubing that I know exactly what you mean?
I still remember that RANTES is the primary eosinophil chemokine, and that it binds to CCR5. I know this solely because my friend insisted RANTES has 5 letters, so must bind CCR5.

She's now a medical student too...

PTR said...

I weep for the future...

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the Star Wars connection.For example, whenever I get asked a tough question from a consultant, I just use the Vulcan death grip on him/her and then get beamed up.

PTR said...

Oh yeah, I love Star Wars. "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!"

PTR said...

I'm using the power of my mind to make you piss off.

Anonymous said...

Did that person call this a 'weblog'? I thought this was a blob? PTR I need to know the truth. In one easy step please.

And can I have the MP3 if you don't want it?

PTR said...

Absolutely you can have the mp3. Send me a dream message in the aether if it's any good.

And yes, your powers of perception are undimmed with age - this is a blob.