Monday, March 22, 2010

Medical reformation

Got some feedback from one of my GP supervisors today.  He pointed out that when I'm unsure of the truth of what I'm saying, I tend to get very quiet.  It's true - although I'm quite happy to bullshit patients, because they're not going to remember 99% of the science anyway, when there's a doctor watching me I get that uncomfortable feeling of being up at the board in a tutorial when you haven't really done your work and you know that one of your Esteemed Colleagues did their honours in what you're about to make up.  Psychologically, I deal with this by speaking in a very faint voice in order to simulate me being a long way away, just in case someone wants to hurt me.

I said this to him (in not so many words) and his response was, "Well, Martin Luther said, 'Sin boldly', so just try that."

Gee I laughed.


Anonymous said...

I always thought that Martin Luther had been misquoted and it's only with today's more sophisticated typefaces that we can do justice to the quote which was " < b > Sin < b > ".

Just imagine how funny this sight-gag would be if I could find a font called "Original". By typing the word "Sin" in that font, we could also evoke the eviction from the Garden of Eden.

Happy Apple Owner

PTR said...

Sin - yes, it's good!
Do you think anyone has ever advised other to "sin italicly"? Perhaps that is what I will be famous for when my bones lie deep in the earth...