Monday, September 14, 2009

Eating, golf, eating, eating

What a day!  What a day!  What a wonderful day! 

I discovered some interesting facts this morning in a lecture on malnutrition amongst the aged:
  • Australia's population is ageing.  You yourself are probably older now than you were at this time last year.  
  • By the year 2020, more than 357% of the population will be older than 65.
  • The proportion of elderly people who are malnourished on admission to hospital is roughly 10-90%.
  • Malnourishment can be reduced by eating more food.
I think we can all agree that those are some statistics that really should make us all agree on them.

After a hasty trip to the shopping centre where I purchased Close Encounters Of The Third Kind for less than ten bucks, followed by a hasty purchase of A Few Good Men for the same price in order to complete my library of films with lengthy titles, I headed off to the golf course.  Apparently there is an OSCE station at the end of the year where you have to chip out of the rough onto the green while avoiding the slice into a wicked bunker, and I intend to be ready for it.  Also apparently it's important for doctors to have golf clubs in the back of the Porsche to increase the downforce on the drive wheels.

Anyway, five of us got together and played 9 holes of Ambrose.  Ambrose is where you all tee off, then you choose who hit the best shot and you all play your next shot from where that ball is.  We modified it slightly so that once we were near the green you had to hit your own ball.  That format works well for me since only slightly more than 11% of my tee shots go where I want them to, whereas my chipping is surprisingly effective considering I have no idea what I'm doing.  I told my Smaller Half tonight, "I got in some awesome chip shots today!" and she got all cranky with me since she thought I said, "I got in some awesome chip shops today!" and hence had formed the mistaken impression that I'd spent my day driving from chip shop to chip shop on some kind of fried potato smorgasbord extravaganza.  No, but great idea though.

It was a beautiful day for golf, though I did start to get weary toward the end because I hadn't eaten any pies yet.  In fact, I haven't eaten any pies since Friday since, as they say, "Friday's Pie-day!". (As distinct from Pi-day, which is March 14.  Or you can approximate it on 22 July.) As far as I know, Pie-day was started by some younger blokes who worked for me a while back when I was a shiny-bummed public servant.  They told me about it and said I was welcome to come along.  So I did go along but it was kind of awkward, as it always is when your boss unexpectedly accepts your token invitations that you didn't really think he would accept, so I never went again.

Nevertheless, Pie-day stuck in my head and in my heart as a perfectly sound excuse to eat more pies more often.  I've been telling people about it and finally I think there is a groundswell of support.  Last Pie-day I was able to egg three people into eating pies with me.  One misguided chap bought a pasty - the less said about that the better.  (Except this - the pasty is the white-man's curry-puff.  Which would you rather have?)

I think this Pie-day coming could be the biggest yet.  It tees off at 1pm.  Are you excited?

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